The acronym refers to my days on the 1970s and 1980s early version of today's Internet. As part of an early, 1979 ARPAnet usenet message group through the University of Minnesota, I would often sign off as "Good Old Fred Is Eating, Sleeping, Talking, And Breathing Computers Whenever Possible." Originally I used the acronym G.O.F.I.E.S.T.A.B.C.W.P., but the automatic abbreviation function of the day allowed for a maximum of eight characters - hence it was shortened to GOFIESTA. As an avid antiques, American pottery, and dish wares collector today I continue to use the nomicker "gofiesta" and various international collecting communities associate the collector (me) and this web-site (g-o-f-i-e-s-t-a.net). I have also had the AOL user name gofiesta@aol.com since 1991 and it too has origins in my earlier uses of the acronym. Notably, this name has NO relationship to the pottery that has a similar trademarked name. However, it is because of the word "fiesta" embedded within my web-site's URL (just like thousands of sites on the Internet today), that I must regretably even make this dis-associative note. So there it is... If you're interested in pottery and dishes like I am, click here for more information and educational resources for learning more. |
3pup productions - last updated 04/2014